
Welcome to Bible Revival

As of April 2012, there were approximately 7 billion people on Earth. 750 million (or about 11 percent) of those are willing to claim Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour.
At present, just over 50 percent of the world's population (or 3.5 billion people) have not heard the gospel and most of them do not have a realistic opportunity of ever hearing it!
Another way to look at the challenges of world evangelism: Of the 16,700 distinct people groups on the planet, 6734 of those (roughly 60 percent) contain between zero and two percent evangelical Christians. They also have no churches, no Bibles, no Christian literature and no mission agencies who are seeking to share the gospel with them.
If all evangelical churches and missions worldwide were able to send one missionary to each group of 5000 people (of the 3.5 billion) we would need 700,000 additional missionaries! What about Bibles??? To understand the need for BIBLE PRODUCTS, it is important to understand the size of these markets. The demographics are in Africa alone 57 countries 750m people in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% understand English 60% - 65% Christians in Sub-Saharan Africa 227m Christians literate

The growth of Christianity in Africa:

Between 1900 and 2000, the number of Christians in Africa grew from 10 million to over 360 million, from 10 percent of the population to 46 percent. All indications are that this growth will continue and that by 2050 there will be 800 million Christians on the continent.
The global centre of gravity of Christianity has shifted. In 1800, Northern Italy was the focal point of the Christian faith. During the 1900s, it moved slowly towards Spain. By 1970, it had moved over to Africa. This southward trajectory will continue throughout the century. By 2025, Africa and Latin America will vie for the title of the most Christian Continent. On the basis of this information, scholars such as Philip Jenkins project that Christian church membership in these regions will reach 800 million by 2050.
If one juxtaposes the vernacular translations to our disposal over the growth in Christianity, one realizes the potential not only to bring Gods Word to the people, but also to generate money to further his Kingdom. The major stumbling blocks in realizing this opportunity is the availability of Bibles. Although there is a great need for Bibles, there is not enough funding to print and distribute these Bibles in certain languages cost effectively. One of the main aims of Select Ministries is to bridge this gap.
The same tendencies we see in Africa is also true for the rest of the developing world. South America, East Asia, Russia and the Eastern European nations are a mirror image of Africa. This provides us with the opportunity not only to market and sell our concepts in Africa, but also to the rest of the developing world.

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