
Photo of Wynand OdendaalOffline

The NIRv

By Wynand Odendaal

Photo of Wynand OdendaalOffline

Bible Revival Outreach Tours

By Wynand Odendaal – 1 Comment

Nobody has seen joy until they have given someone a bible! To see their face brings true satisfaction.

Photo of Wynand OdendaalOffline

The Soccer bible

By Wynand Odendaal

A real threat

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Contact us

By Wynand Odendaal

South Africa Offices

Photo of Wynand OdendaalOffline

Welcome to Bible Revival

By Wynand Odendaal

As of April 2012, there were approximately 7 billion people on Earth. 750 million (or about 11 percent) of those are willing to claim Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour.
At present, just over 50 percent of the world's population (or 3.5 billion people) have not heard the gospel and most of them do not have a realistic opportunity of ever hearing it!
Another way to look at the challenges of world evangelism: Of the 16,700 distinct people groups on the planet, 6734 of those (roughly 60 percent) contain between zero and two percent evangelical Christians. They also have no churches, no Bibles, no Christian literature and no mission agencies who are seeking to share the gospel with them.
If all evangelical churches and missions worldwide were able to send one missionary to each group of 5000 people (of the 3.5 billion) we would need 700,000 additional missionaries! What about Bibles??? To understand the need for BIBLE PRODUCTS, it is important to understand the size of these markets. The demographics are in Africa alone 57 countries 750m people in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% understand English 60% - 65% Christians in Sub-Saharan Africa 227m Christians literate

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