Mega Voice

Mega Voice Audiobible

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Today, MegaVoice produces an ever-expanding line of solar powered digital audio players for Christian and humanitarian use. MegaVoice are designed to best suit the unique requirements of ministries distributing them.

MegaVoice is also home to an expansive Scripture audio library with 8,400 Scripture titles in 4,600 languages and dialects. Scripture titles, with playback times ranging from a few minutes to 320 hours duration, can be loaded onto the growing line of digital audio players.

To help partners in ministry, MegaVoice has an audio resource team ready to place your audio production on as many MegaVoice as you need. Organizations and individuals can also load their own messages using a PC to drag and drop files onto the MegaVoice Envoy Micro and MegaVoice Story Teller.

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